Discussion Table

On the 27th of June, 2022, the Law and Development committee organized the first offline discussion table on the Agnipath Scheme which was introduced by the Central Government. The panellists for the day included professors from St. Josephs's College of Law; Mr Geo C. Varghese, Mr Bhaskar Simha and Mr Abhishek Dar Kamakar with the session being moderated by Mr Sudeep Sudhakaran.

Mr Sudeep Sudhakaran welcomed the panellists and the attendees and provided a brief on the topic at hand. Mr Geo spoke about the policy aspect of the scheme and elaborated on the possible reasons for the introduction of the scheme and certain liabilities that stem from them.

Following him, Mr Abhishek spoke about the legal aspect, going on to compare other countries with similar schemes and explaining the connection between pride and enrollment into the service. Mr Bhaskar Simha ended the panel discussion by discussing the socio-political ramifications as well as the psychological impact these Agniveers may have. This was followed by an engaging Q&A session between the panellists and the attendees. The session was concluded by an engaging summary by Mr Sudeep and the vote of thanks was delivered by Ms. Haniya from first-year BA LLB ‘B’.

The program was held for an hour from 1:30 to 2:30 and it was attended by 50 people.

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