Discussion Panel on Women's Reservation in Parliament organised by the Law and Development Committee

The Law and Development Committee of SJCL organized its first event for the academic year, a discussion panel on "Women's Reservation in Parliament." The event aimed to facilitate a thoughtful dialogue on the subject, providing a platform for students to engage with the important issue of gender representation in the political sphere.

A total of 40 students actively participated in the discussion, bringing diverse perspectives and insights to the table. The event fostered an inclusive environment where students could share their thoughts on the crucial topic of women's reservation in parliamentary representation.

The discussion panel featured three distinguished panelists who brought expertise and valuable perspectives to the discourse:
Aishwarya Chandra
Sangeetha Thomas
Rithika Devaiah
Moderator: Sudeep Sudhakaran

The panel delved into various aspects of women's reservation in Parliament, exploring its significance, challenges, and potential impact on the overall development of society. Some key discussion points included:

Historical context: The panelists provided insights into the historical evolution of women's reservation in parliamentary systems globally, emphasizing its role in addressing gender disparities.

Socio-economic impact: The discussion touched upon the potential socio-economic benefits of increased women's representation in political decision-making, including improved policy outcomes and a more equitable society.

Challenges and Opposition: The panelists addressed the challenges and opposition faced by the concept of women's reservation, considering both legal and societal perspectives.

Legal Framework: A comprehensive analysis of the legal frameworks supporting or hindering women's reservation in various countries was presented, shedding light on the diverse approaches taken globally.

The event encouraged active audience participation, with students posing thought-provoking questions to the panelists. The interactive nature of the discussion fostered a dynamic exchange of ideas, enabling a more nuanced understanding of the topic.

The Law and Development Committee's discussion panel on Women's Reservation in Parliament served as a meaningful platform for students to engage in a thoughtful dialogue on a critical issue. The diverse perspectives presented by the panelists, coupled with active audience involvement, contributed to a comprehensive exploration of the subject. The event laid the foundation for future discussions and initiatives related to gender representation in the legal and political spheres.

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